
The 同位素地球化学中心 is a world-class facility for high-precision analysis of both radiogenic and stable isotopes on a wide range of materials. 该中心分布在德夫林大厅和比肯街245号的两个实验室. 德夫林实验室包括一个750平方英尺的1000级痕量金属洁净室和10个100级工作空间, 四个层流排气通风柜, 三个分析天平. 这个空间也是两个同位素凤凰热电离质谱仪的所在地. These 蒂姆斯’ were installed in 2016 and 2022 and are primarily used for high-precision analysis of small sample size neodymium and strontium isotopes on materials spanning the earth and environmental sciences. 我们还有一个矿物制备实验室,用于制备地质材料.

The lab in 245 Beacon St comprises a Thermo Delta V Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer equipped with two Gas Bench II systems: one modified for high-precision N2O analysis using the denitrifier method, 另一个用于碳酸盐的二氧化碳同位素分析. The IRMS is also equipped with an Elemental Analyser for Carbon-Nitrogen-Sulfur isotope analysis of solid samples. This lab is also home to an Agilent 8900 Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICPMS) that can be used in solution mode or connected to our Applied Spectra RESOlution 193 nm ArF excimer Laser Ablation System for high-resolution in situ analysis of solid materials.

主要是, the Center takes a collaborative approach to research and in most cases the users are trained to prepare, 单独的, 净化, 在中心管理层的指导下分析样品. We value the educational experience of all users and highly encourage motivated undergraduates to get involved in the research activities of the Center. Interested parties and external users should contact Center management  to discuss details of prospective collaborations.

设备主管: 斯蒂芬妮•沃克
设施助理处长: 安德鲁Lonero
王星辰(Tony) (IRMS)



两个750平方英尺的痕量金属无尘室位于德夫林大厅实验室的中心. The metal-free HEPA filtered labs are designed for processing small amounts of material (sub nanogram) with minimal environmental contamination. 该空间设有14个100级ULPA过滤层流工作台和通风柜, Savillex聚四氟乙烯蒸馏装置, 无金属热点, 三个分析天平. 实验室的设计是为了保持稳定的温度, 正压由每个实验室门接口的Setra Multisense监视器监测.


我们的首个蒂姆斯于2016年安装, 配备了9个可移动的法拉第杯和一个离子计数日探测器, 并具有全套的1011和1012欧姆电阻. 2022年,我们安装了第二个带有新型ATONA放大器的Phoenix, 这个蒂姆斯还配备了9个可移动的法拉第杯和一个离子计数日探测器. The sensitivity of these instruments permit acquisition of high-precision (15ppm 2SE long-term external) isotope data for the smallest samples down to the sub-nanogram level for high-mass elements (e.g. 143 / 143, 87老sr / 86). 

All filaments are prepared in-house using an Amada Miyachi spot welder and degassed in a DG60 outgasser. Samples are loaded under ULPA-filtered laminar flow conditions using a custom designed filament loading bench.


The IRMS is equipped with universal triple collectors and D/H collectors for a variety of stable isotope measurements. IRMS目前有三个前端外设, 用于N2O同位素分析的改良气台, a用于碳酸盐碳氧同位素分析的气台, and an Elemental Analyser for the measurement of Carbon-Nitrogen-Sulfur elemental and isotopic composition in solid samples. The CO2 Gas Bench is equipped with a 96 port heating block and autosampler for preparation and sample introduction for carbonates, 水样, 大气气体. 该装置允许对CO2进行高通量自动化连续流同位素分析, O2, N2, 和H2气体. Drilling devices and a Sartorius microgram level analytical balance are available for the drilling and weighing of sample powders.

2022年安装, Agilent 8900 QQQ-ICPMS是一种串联质谱计(MS/MS),用于(痕量)元素分析. The instrument uses a collision/reaction cell sandwiched between two quadrupole mass filters and can resolve isobaric interferences using reaction 化学. 这在地球和环境科学中也有应用, 也在材料科学领域, 化学, 法医科学, 生命科学和许多其他领域. 摘要利用支持在溶液模式下使用, 利用自动取样器, 或在激光烧蚀模式下进行原位, 固体材料的空间分辨分析.


This 193 nm ArF excimer Laser Ablation system is used primarily in combination with the Agilent 8900 摘要利用, providing the advantage of high spatial resolution trace-element data in a wide range of solid materials.

A facility for the processing of solid geological samples and the isolation of specific mineral phases. 本实验室采用Spex球磨机,用于从岩石碎片中生产粉末, 岩石显微镜和双目显微镜, 用于重液体密度分离的排气通风柜, 一种用于磁选的新型弗朗茨等动力分离器, 以及用于高精度采样的New Wave MicroMill.


扫描电子显微镜设备, 位于德夫林大厅地球与环境科学系内, 另一个为同位素地球化学中心服务的设施是什么. This facility hosts a Tescan Mira 3 Schottky Field Emission SEM that can be operated in either high-vacuum or variable pressure modes, 允许表征涂层或非导电试样. This FEG-SEM is equipped with a range of analytical detectors for materials imaging and characterization (e.g.、二次、后向散射、阴极发光探测器). This system is also equipped with an integrated Oxford Instruments HKL Symmetry2 electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) detector and an X-Max 50 Silicon Drift Detector, 允许快速测定晶体结构(i.e. 点阵优选方向), 岩石微观结构模式(纹理映射), 半定量矿物学和成分图. Supporting instrumentation for the SEM lab includes: (1) an EMS 150TE turbomolecular pumped Carbon Coater for producing very thin conductive coatings used in imaging, EDS, and EBSD analyses; (2) a Struers LabPol-5 sample polishing system; (3) Buehler MiniMet and Vibromet2 polishers used for EBSD sample surface preparation; (4) a digital camera-equipped petrographic microscope (Zeiss Axioskop 40) and macroscope (Leica Z6 APO) for transmitted and reflected light observation and imaging of polished thin sections; and (5) a variety of computer workstations for post-processing and data analysis. 




Dr. 斯蒂芬妮·沃克是一位同位素地球化学家,专门电子游戏正规平台固体地球的地质年代学. She joined BC in 2017 as a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences after completing her PhD at Royal Holloway University of London. 斯蒂芬在提取和分离元素(特别是Sm)方面拥有丰富的专业知识, Nd, Lu, Hf, Rb, Sr)使用洁净实验室化学和柱层析, 并使用蒂姆斯和MC-ICPMS分析它们的同位素. She also has experience of determining trace- and major-element concentrations using LA-ICPMS and XRF. Her research focuses on using isotope geo化学 and geochronology to understand the timing and rates of metamorphic processes, 特别是在造山系统中.




安德鲁·洛内罗只得了B.S. 从夏威夷大学,希洛和他的硕士.S. 来自华盛顿州立大学. 在他的电子游戏正规平台电子游戏正规平台期间, he worked on the stable isotopes of hydrothermal alterations in volcanic rocks from Yellowstone National Park. 他的专业领域包括稳定同位素地球化学, 主要和微量元素化学(ICP-OES), 摘要利用, 固体材料和溶液的XRF, 质谱分析方法的发展. Before arriving at 电子游戏软件 as the 副主任 of the 同位素地球化学中心 in 2022, 他是犹他州立大学的地球化学实验室经理.

245 Beacon 004